"I think minimum and maximum wind limits should go. It may not always be fair racing under 5 knots, but we should get on with it. And if it's blowing 35 knots we should race, even if we have to struggle upwind with just the jib. We're meant to be the best sailors in the world; we should cope."
It's been months since BMW Oracle's Gavin Brady said that, but it came to mind for good reason today, the first occasion in this Louis Vuitton Cup when we've lost a race day for too much wind rather than too little. The poniente blows from the land to the sea. Today it blew in the twenties and above the agreed cutoff, touching thirty knots. The fleet floated around out there until 1600, when the whole show was blown off.
It wasn't even a very interesting dance card. Now we get to look at it again on Wednesday with less wind in the offing but not necessarily a stable wind. I had business ashore. Lucky me. And it was a holiday—May 1 is Labor Day in Spain—so the crowds were out. This is a lineup of people waiting to get to the airport-security-like entrance to Port America's Cup. The pic doesn't really show how long the line was--long--or the mass of people that get crunched together at the front. When I tried to take that shot, the Policia didn't like it. Something about security, I guess.
And these folks were lined up looking out at a nearly-empty harbor after the boats had left. But there were plenty of opportunities to buy a Mascalzone Latino beach towel for 100 euros.
This is one of the many cleaning technicians that work the grounds. I'd rather not speculate on the story of the flowers, but it gave me a smile.
I even made a quick trip back to my apartment in the El Pilar section of the old town, and I grabbed this pic in the garden of the Biblioteca around the corner. There's plenty to enjoy in Valencia. If you're thinking about coming, forget the bad press and come onKimball